Young Investors Society will kick off the New Year with our Annual Global Community Service Event!
Battling a global pandemic has only highlighted the harsh realities of food insecurity and increased the number of people dealing daily with its challenges.
- 34.5 percent of households with a child age 18 and under are food insecure, an increase of about 130%.
The YIS Stock the Shelves Food Drive (December 1st-February 28th) will provide much needed canned and non-perishable foods to local food banks and food pantries across the world.
Young Investors Society is excited to partner with JustServe for the YIS Stock The Shelves community service events.
JustServe.org is an amazing resource to help you find volunteer projects to obtain service hours, learn about charitable organizations you can serve in your community, and have fun serving in your area.
Simply go to justserve.org and register as a new user. The site allows you to access service opportunities by zip code, or post volunteer needs for your organization.
Now all you have to do is grab some friends and start serving today.

YIS students who participate in the Stock the Shelves Food Drive & Sponsorship Fundraiser will be eligible to receive the YIS Community Champions recognition, certificate, and prizes!
Don’t miss this opportunity to be recognized as a YIS Community Champion!