Invest Early. Invest Now.

Get ready for the most intense, the most useful, and the most exciting experience you will probably have in high school: Start a Young Investors Society club today!

You’ll acquire the skills to make money in the stock market, give yourself a head start when applying for college, and gain experience competing in national competitions. You’ll learn how to turn a few dollars a week into millions of dollars by the time you are ready to retire. You will be eligible to participate in a variety of YIS programs including Start Investing NOW Giveaway, Dollar-A-Day Challenge, Shark Tank Contest, Stock Pitch Competitions and so much more! You’ll learn from some of the greatest investment minds in the industry and join an amazing group of global young investors.

Are you ready to join us?

If you don’t have a Young Investors Society chapter at your high school, be the first to start it up. It’s easy.

Step 1. Recruit a Few Friends

Recruit 3-10 people to help you get the club up and running.

Step 2. Find a Teacher Advisor

Find a YIS Advisor.  Your ideal candidate is likely to be a member of the faculty/staff who has:

  • A strong commitment to working with youth and is well respected among the students.
  • Experience in the basics of finance (often a mathematics, economics, or social studies teacher).

Step 3. Get Approval from Your School

Find out what requirements your high school has for starting a club. This is especially important if you want to use resources such as meeting rooms and permission to hold your events on school campus. Your school may also require you to have:

  • A Club Constitution
  • Club Leadership Positions
  • A Club Advisor or Sponsor

Step 4. Register Your Club

Register as a student on our website:

Please select Other and enter your school name.
You can also have the YIS Teacher/Advisor register using the same link above.
You will need 1 registered Teacher/Advisor and at least 3 registered students to be recognized as an official YIS Chapter.
Once registered you are free to access our curriculum courses and lessons on the MYYIS portal.
You will need to log into the MY YIS and all Courses and Lessons can be found here including downloadable lesson plans, prezi presentations, lessons, quizzes and YouTube videos.
YIS also offers a YouTube video that goes with each lesson as well as other great video resources. You can find those on our YouTube Channel here:

Some effective ways to recruit new members:

  • Advertise on your social media networks
  • Set up a booth at your school’s club week
  • Reach out to friends
  • Post flyers in busy parts of the school, such as the cafeteria
  • Place an ad in your school’s newspaper

Step 5. Hold the First Club Meeting

  • Invite your primary contact from YIS to join in the meeting to answer questions and provide support and guidance in setting up the action plan for the club.
  • Download Lesson Plans, with the teacher sponsor downloading Lesson Plans with Answer Keys.
  • Find out what interests the members the members have in learning about investing.
  • Collect contact info for all your members.
  • Start with Lesson 1.  Encourage members to start preparing for the YIS Global Stock Pitch Competition.
  • Announce when and where the next meeting will be held.

Step 6. Meet on Regular Basis

Most YIS chapters meet once a week. Meetings may be held more or less often depending on specific circumstances. Make sure that each member is working on their stock idea for the Global Stock Pitch Competition and participating in monthly competitions.

For additional information or if you have any questions,
please email us at