December 2024
Young Investors Society Partners with Sammy Rabbit
Young Investors Society is excited to announce our new partnership with
Sammy Rabbit’s mission is to inspire the dreams and build the money habits of 100,000 children in 2025.
Their dream is to grow Sammy Rabbit into a global source and force for good by making it easy for anyone to educate and encourage children, families, and communities to dream big and develop great habits, starting with money habits.
Their aim and objective are to develop generations of children who possess and practice great habits, who become self-sufficient, are capable of making their big dreams come true, and support others in doing the same!
We are excited to partner with SammyRabbit and be able to offer a community service project for YIS students to help teach financial literacy to Elementary School students.
You can learn more at
December 2024
Young Investors Society Partners with Rutgers Business School
September 2024
Young Investors Society Partners with Grand Street Settlement
June 2024
Young Investors Society Partners with Elevate New York
Young Investors Society proudly announces our new Access Initiative partnership with Elevate New York.
Elevate New York’s mission is to build long-term, life-changing relationships with urban youth, equipping them to thrive and contribute to their community.
Their program model improves the lives of New York City Title 1 public school students through four coordinated components: daily accredited classes, mentoring, adventure activities, and college and career training. These components introduce our students to positive and caring adult mentors who ensure they don’t have to navigate challenges alone. Their holistic approach to youth development provides social-emotional support to youth as they explore new experiences and face new challenges; providing them with the foundation necessary to flourish into leaders.
The introduction of the Young Investors Society program will augment our core curriculum by integrating essential financial literacy education into the daily lives of our students. Through the YIS program, we will equip our students with the tools and knowledge needed to be good stewards of their financial resources. Financial literacy is a critical skill that empowers students to make informed decisions about their money, preparing them for a stable and prosperous future. By incorporating this program into the class time of our Elevate cohort next year, we ensure that our students receive practical, hands-on experience in managing finances, budgeting, and investing.
This initiative will not only support the mission but also enhance the overall educational experience by providing students with the skills necessary to navigate the financial aspects of adulthood. As we open this program school-wide, extending beyond the Elevate cohort, we aim to foster a generation of financially savvy individuals who are well-prepared to contribute to their communities responsibly and effectively. The YIS program is a vital addition to our efforts in nurturing well-rounded, empowered leaders of tomorrow.
We are excited to partner with an organization to bring financial literacy to underserved communities in New York.
For more information visit:
June 2024
Young Investors Society Featured on NASDAQ Billboard
We are so excited to see Nasdaq feature the winner of the 2024 Young Investing Society Global Stock Pitch Competition winner, Zach Saporito from St. John’s Preparatory School in Massachusetts on their marquee this morning!
Zach Saporito was one of over 500 students who entered the competition from 21 U.S. states and 9 countries. Zach did an incredible job pitching Citi at the Global Youth Investment Summit in NYC and won the first place prize of $5,000 and a paid Summer finance internship.
May 2024
Young Investors Society Partners with 8 Cents in a Jar
Young Investors Society proudly announces our new Access Initiative partnership with 8 Cents in a Jar.
8 Cents in a Jar presents an investment club meticulously designed for students poised to amass wealth. This isn’t merely a program—it’s your portal to financial triumph. As you delve into the riveting realm of investments, you’ll master the art of saving and witness the growth of modest contributions into significant assets. Learn to craft a formidable portfolio and savor the fruits of dividends. With us, financial literacy transcends the classroom; it’s a journey that breaks down the definition into digestible, easy steps for students to begin their future where financial independence is within grasp. Seize this chance to convert your aspirations of prosperity into tangible success.
Join the club, and let’s turn dreams of rich wealth into reality.
We are excited to partner with an organization to bring financial literacy to underserved communities in Florida.
For more information visit:
March 2024
Young Investors Society Partners with Sierra House
Sierra House will be using the Young Investors Society courses and lessons to further develop its financial literacy program for teens.
We are excited to partner with an organization to bring financial literacy to underserved communities in Park Forest, Illinois, and surrounding communities.
For more information about Sierra House, visit:
February 2024
Young Investors Society Students Features in Wall Street Journal
Young Investors Society is thrilled to see our YIS Student Advisory Board President, Felix Peng and Student Director of Communications, Mahanth Komuravelli featured in the Wall Street Journal article on Teens That Invest.
December 2023
Young Investors Society Partners with Itai Trust
Young Investors Society proudly announces our new Access Initiative partnership with Itai Trust.
Itai Trust is a humanitarian organization based in Zimbabwe, Africa that helps children, youths, distressed individuals, single parents, prisoners, families, and their communities overcome poverty, and injustice and helps them enjoy mental and financial freedom.
Itai Trust programs cover aspects from mental health services to financial and business services.
Itai will be using the Young Investors Society courses and lessons to further develop its financial literacy program for children, youth, and young adults.
We are excited to partner with an organization to bring financial literacy to underserved communities in Africa and surrounding communities.
You can learn more at:
November 2023
Young Investors Society Partners with Yonkers Partners in Education
Young Investors Society proudly announces our new Access Initiative partnership with Yonkers Partners in Education (YPIE).
Yonkers Partners in Education (YPIE) partners with students to ensure they are ready for, enroll in, and complete college. They confront the challenges of a low-income, urban school district by providing families with equitable access to the critical tools and services necessary for college success.
We’re thrilled that Yonkers students will participate in the Young Investor Society “Stock Pitch Competition” and to have the Webster/YPIE Finance Lab be part of this end-of-year Finance competition. You can learn more at:

October 2023
Young Investors Society Partners with TeenInteractive
Young Investors Society is excited to announce our new Access Initiative partnership with TeenInteractive.
TeenInteractive is a registered non-profit (501(c)(3) online platform dedicated to equipping teenagers with essential life skills for success through interactive, immersive, and gamified learning experiences. Teeninteractive is passionate about improving financial literacy, mental wellness, and business skills for teens. They are committed to providing practical resources to help them achieve their full potential.
We are excited to to bring new resources to our Access Initiative which include games and videos on How to Pay for College, Basic Banking, Credit, Debt, and so much more!
You can learn more at
October 2023
September 2023
Young Investors Society is excited to partner with JustServe
Young Investors Society is excited to partner with JustServe Alberta-NorthCentral for the YIS Stock The Shelves community service events for the 2023-2024 school year! is an amazing resource to help you find volunteer projects to obtain service hours, learn about charitable organizations you can serve in your community, and have fun serving in your area.
Simply go to and register as a new user. The site allows you to access service opportunities by zip code, or post volunteer needs for your organization.
Now all you have to do is grab some friends and start serving today.
August 2023
Young Investors Society is excited to announce our newest sponsor, Bloomberg
Young Investors Society is excited to announce our newest sponsor, Bloomberg. Headquartered in New York City, Bloomberg is committed to giving back to the cities in which they have offices worldwide, using their expertise and resources to create lasting impact. Bloomberg’s Corporate Philanthropy program aims to reflect the global scale, diversity, and culture of the company and is built on the long-standing dedication to service established by founder Mike Bloomberg over 40 years ago.
Bloomberg will sponsor the Young Investors Society Access Initiative over the next three years which provides access to FREE, quality, financial literacy education, mentorship, STEM career education, and scholarships to a variety of talented students in under-resourced communities.
We are excited and look forward to working with Bloomberg over the next few years!
Young Investors Society Partners with the SoLa Foundation
Young Investors Society is excited to announce our newest Access Initiative Partnership in South Los Angeles with The SoLa Foundation.
The SoLa Foundations is a 501(c) 3 non-profit affiliate of SoLa Impact and is built on a simple premise:
SoLa’s mission is to end intergenerational poverty in South Los Angeles by creating new access to educational and economic opportunities for youth and young adults.
SoLa will be launching a 13-week YIS Financial Literacy program at their tech and entrepreneurship center this Fall.
We are excited to partner with an amazing organization doing great things in the South Los Angeles region.