To ensure the integrity and authenticity of this report, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to generate content is strictly prohibited; all analysis and writing must be completed independently by the author.
The Written Report must:
- Be submitted in PDF format
- Be no longer than ten (10) pages; although you may include an appendix of infinite length;
- Include the following information on the first page:
- First Name, Last Name (Partner Name if any)
- School, State or Territory
- Email Address of each individual student
- Company Name
- Exchange or Ticker symbol
- Sector or Industry
- NEW for 2025! Investor Relations Contact Person & Email Address (Please note that if info isn’t available, you can insert “none available”).
- Recommendation (Buy/Sell/Hold)
- Current price (as of __date)
- Target price (% increase/decrease)
- Contain only publicly available information;
- Be the original work of the student;
- Be prepared from the perspective of an independent research analyst;
- To ensure the integrity and authenticity of this report, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to generate content is strictly prohibited; all analysis and writing must be completed independently by the author.
- Include (but is not limited to) the following sections:
- Business Description
- Industry Overview and Competitive Positioning
- Investment Summary
- Valuation / Financial Analysis
- Investment Risks
- ESG Considerations
- AI: How does the development of artificial intelligence (AI) impact opportunity or risk to your selected company?
- Be submitted by midnight PST on April 2, 2025, NO LATE SUBMISSIONS, NO EXCEPTIONS!
We strongly encourage you to use the stock pitch report template provided on the website for your report.
PowerPoint Presentation Guidelines:
Include the following information in your presentation slides:
- First Name, Last Name (Partner Name if any)
- School, State or Territory
- Email Address
- Company Name
- Exchange or Ticker symbol
- Sector or Industry
- NEW for 2025! Investor Relations Contact Person & Email Address (Please note that if info isn’t available, you can insert “none available”).
- Recommendation (Buy/Sell/Hold)
- Current price (as of __date)
- Target price (% increase/decrease)
- Contain only publicly available information;
- Be the original work of the student;
- Be prepared from the perspective of an independent research analyst;
- To ensure the integrity and authenticity of this report, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to generate content is strictly prohibited; all analysis and writing must be completed independently by the author.
- Include (but is not limited to) the following sections:
- Business Description
- Industry Overview and Competitive Positioning
- Investment Summary
- Valuation / Financial Analysis
- Investment Risks
- ESG Considerations
- AI: How does the development of artificial intelligence (AI) impact opportunity or risk to your selected company?
- Slides should have bullet points of key information for the viewer. Use slides as a visual for financial analysis information (pie charts, graphs, etc)
- Please submit presentation in PowerPoint format. Google Slides will not be accepted.
- Be submitted by midnight PST on April 2, 2025 NO LATE SUBMISSIONS, NO EXCEPTIONS!
YouTube Video Guidelines:
All YouTube Video Links submitted must be of the student giving their presentation.
Please include the PowerPoint Presentation in the video.
YouTube Video presentation must be under 10 minutes in length. DO NOT Speed up the video!
Video editing is not a requirement and not recommended.
Be submitted by midnight PST on April 2, 2025 NO LATE SUBMISSIONS, NO EXCEPTIONS!
Submission Guidelines:
Stock Pitch Report Requirements:
Stock Pitch Report, PowerPoint Presentation & YouTube Video Link must be included in ONE email.
Please save the Stock Pitch Report file as a PDF (Last Name(s), School, State/Territory, REPORT)
Please do not set up permissions as many judges will need access to review your documents.
Submissions that are restricted or need permissions will NOT be reviewed.
Stock Pitch PowerPoint Presentation Requirements:
Please save the Stock Pitch Presentation as a PowerPoint file (Last Name(s), School, State/Territory, PRESENTATION)
DO NOT submit Google Slides! Google Slides will not be accepted!
Please do not set-up permissions as many judges will need access to review your documents.
Submissions that are restricted or need permissions will NOT be reviewed.
YouTube Video Links:
Students will submit their YouTube video link in the same email as Report & Presentation.
YouTube Videos must be public or permission set to view from April 3rd-May 31st.
Any video that cannot be viewed with the submitted link will be disqualified.
YouTube videos must be kept at 10 minutes in length for presentation. Do not speed up the video!
Stock Pitch Report, PowerPoint Presentation & YouTube Video Link must be included in ONE email.
All items (Stock Pitch Report, Presentation & YouTube Link) must be submitted by midnight PST on April 2, 2025 to
If you have any questions about the stock pitch requirements, please email C.O.O Christine Tobin at
Each Stock Pitch Entry will be judged according to the following categories:
- Investment Idea – _ / 50 points
- Does the idea make logical sense and follow sound investment principles? -15pts
- Does the report show insight into the company and the industry? -15pts
- Does the report show sound financial analysis? -10pts
- Did the student (s) show ESG and AI considerations -10pts
- Presentation – _ / 25 points
- Did the presenters use bullets and elaborate on those topics? -10pts
- Does the presentation show insight into the company and the industry? -5pts
- Did the presentation show sound financial analysis? -5pts
- Does the presentation maintain a good pace? -5pts
- YouTube Video – _ / 25 points
- Did the student(s) present clearly and abide by the time limit of 10 minutes? -10pts
- Did the student(s) demonstrate adequate knowledge about the company? -5pts
- Was the presentation professional? -5pts
- Did the student make eye contact and demonstrate presentation skills -5pts